Congratulations to Valerie Witte on her latest book, A Rupture in the Interiors, recently published by Airlie Press. Valerie is Monday Night Press’ copyeditor and a former contributor to the Monday Night journal.
“The wonder of this book is how it makes one feel as though one is holding not page, not book, but the fine texture of skin itself. Ultimately, this book strikes the song of the body’s largest and most visible organ, where we are the most vulnerable, where we first appear, then finally disappear where ‘we are almost human anyway.’” —Gillian Conoley, author of Notes from the Passenger
Order at Small Press Distribution or Airlie Press!
Valerie Witte is the author of multiple poetry and hybrid books, including a game of correspondence (Black Radish, 2015) and, in collaboration with Sarah Rosenthal, The Grass Is Greener When the Sun Is Yellow (Operating System, 2019), the first of a two-part project exploring the work of postmodern dancer-choreographers Simone Forti and Yvonne Rainer. The second book in the project, a collection of experimental essays, is One Thing Follows Another (punctum books, 2024). She currently edits education books in Portland, OR, where she lives with her husband, Andrew. More at