Welcome to the final issue of Monday Night. We started as a small print zine in 2001 and over the past 20 years have published more than 250 writers. We are now sunsetting the journal to focus on making chapbooks through Monday Night Press and to have more time for writing, reading, sleeping, and general goofing off.
Many thanks to the current staff—Marissa Bell Toffoli, Patrick Duggan, Sharon McGill, Della Watson, and Valerie Witte—for their efforts to help produce this farewell issue.
The issue features an excerpt from Heidi Kasa’s chapbook, Split, which will be released by Monday Night Press this spring. Other contributors include Daisy Bassen, Miriam Borgstrom, Stanford Chen, Christine Choi, Richard Cochnar, Olivia Cronk, Barbara Daniels, Adele Evershed, Elliot Harmon, Tom Ipri, Kathryn Lipari, Kate Maxwell, and Andrea Rexilius. Each of their pages are linked below.
As we begin the next chapter in the story of Monday Night, we ask you to join us in honoring Elliot Harmon, who passed away from cancer in October. Earlier this year, he had agreed to let us publish a selection from his manuscript, “Gray and Something.” Sadly, he wasn’t able to see it in print. This final, farewell issue of Monday Night Lit is dedicated to Elliot. We miss you, friend.
Jessica Wickens, editor-in-chief